7 TIPS TO MAKE SURE NOTHING DISTRACTS YOU WHILE YOU STUDY! You've finally made time to study. You've set up your desk, sat down with an arsenal of pens and markers, got your notes out and you're ready to start. Concentration is good at first, but it soon fades. Suddenly everything seems more interesting. You end up glancing at your phone every minute to see if someone has texted you, reading random articles instead of sources, then ending up on YouTube watching cat videos. Don't worry, it's normal. Here are some tips to make sure you don't get distracted while you study. 1. Put the phone away Mobile is one of the biggest threats to our productivity. Even if write my essay you mute it, it's hard not to glance at it every five minutes to check for notifications or browse your favourite sites. The easiest solution is to put it away, because even if you decide not to open it, it's not always so easy to stick to it. But learning on the machine is no better....